At Grant Thornton, we understand the financial services landscape and the processes and systems at its heart. We have over 400 people working exclusively within the financial services sector. Of these, over 225 are dedicated to Financial Services Advisory and we have a core Financial Services Consulting team of over 80 experienced and qualified practitioners.
Over the last number of years, ourfinancial services clients have been largely focussed on addressing legacy issues which have restricted their growth plans. Our team of expert consultants have worked closely with clients throughout this journey to ensure they could navigate the complexity of the challenges they faced.
We have governed and delivered large scale initiatives, which focussed on steering our clients through deep rooted challenges. We have worked to understand the underlying issues at the centre of these challenges and developed an intimate understanding of the underpinning operating models, structures and culture across the industry.
Navigating Change
We now see a shift in the landscape occurring. Regulatory change, new
digital technologies and an increasingly sophisticated consumer, characterised by a higher level of expectations, define the new environment. Calls for better customer service, access on demand and instant delivery are combining to transform traditional business models and disrupt a sector which has been relatively stable for generations. At Grant Thornton, we are now partnering with our financial services clients on forward looking strategic initiaitves. We are challenging existing business models to explore whether they are fit for the future and mapping out the target operating models that will deliver success.
Our Financial Services Consulting team integrates with our wider Financial Services Advisory practice to deliver leading, multi-disciplinary assignments.
Our people hold internationally recognised project management qualifications, many with design thinking and lean certifications. We also work closely with our clients on their data challenges and develop solutions to show how perceived problems can become sources of opportunity. We combine proven capability and experience to deliver a market leading service to you and your business.