Helping you to fight financial crime

Financial crime prevention, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) are now significant line items in all financial services organisations operating budgets. Balancing the competing demands of operational efficiency with effective financial crime and AML / CFT risk mitigation and regulatory compliance remains a constant challenge.

We can help you respond to financial crime threats proactively, developing and improving your financial crime and AML / CFT framework. We can also help you respond and react to nascent financial crime threats, including those highlighted by regulators, as well as dealing with known problems. We cover the full range of financial crime and subject matter areas, including AML / CFT, sanctions, bribery and corruption, fraud and theft, and misconduct.

Our services

  • Horizon scanning;
  • Risk assessments (with methodology and scoring design);
  • Framework and policy development and reviews;
  • Central Bank of Ireland - mandated independent reviews;
  • Risk Mitigation Programme remediation;
  • Training (awareness and operational);
  • Operating model build (including process design);
  • Systems requirements (including transaction monitoring and management information);
  • AML / CFT Compliance assurance testing; and
  • File remediation (including sanctions, KYC, CDD and periodic reviews).
Frankie Cronin
Partner - Business Risk Services
Frankie Cronin

Why Grant Thornton

We can help you stay ahead of the changing environment, whether that be responding to an incident or simply focusing on your regulatory responsibilities. We combine strong technical expertise in all areas of financial crime prevention and AML with insight into real world operational challenges and regulatory expectations.

As part of a firm that works extensively with large and global financial institutions and has a truly global network, we can provide you with local expertise when and where you need it.