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Forensic & Investigation Services

Anti-Fraud Playbook: The best defence is a good offense

In order to effectively mitigate fraud risk, organisations need to go on the offensive. One approach is to implement an effective Fraud Risk Management (FRM) program, as outlined in the COSO Fraud Risk Management Guide. While the guide is very comprehensive, some organisations struggle figuring out where to start.

Grant Thornton has co-authored the Anti-Fraud Playbook with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), a practical roadmap for organizations looking to begin, advance, or benchmark their FRM programs against industry best practices.

In this webinar Mike Harris, Roslyn Lee Symmons and Sinead O’Neill from Grant Thornton’s Forensic & Cyber team walk through the Playbook and provide some useful information to help organisations either introduce, adapt or accelerate FRM programs.


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