Times:      07:30am  breakfast & registration

                  08:15am  conference starts

                  12:15pm  conference ends

                  Followed by networking lunch

Location:  The Marker Hotel, Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2   

Date:         27 September

Join us for our 2nd Annual Asset Management conference. The conference, moderated by Matt Cooper, will feature a plenary session followed by a range of breakout sessions covering technical and topical updates, giving you the opportunity to attend those most appropriate for you. The breakouts will be presented by national and international subject matter experts from Grant Thornton, on topics including: financial reporting and tax updates for funds and SPVs, Companies Act 2014 and compliance responsibilities, the growth of fintech and cybercrime, IFRS, US GAAP, BEPS and many more.

The keynote speaker at the plenary session will be John Bruton. With his wealth of public service, national and international political experience and his position with the IFSC John will have many interesting insights and views on the changing face of the Asset Management industry and the outlook for the future.

Please RSVP to grantthortonam@ie.gt.com and indicate which 2 sessions you wish to attend.





8.15 – 9.30am

Plenary Session



10.00am – 11.00am

Financial reporting and Tax for SPVs

Session 1



International Tax

Session 2



Directors: increasing accountability and   risk

Session 3


11.05am – 12.05pm

Financial reporting and tax for funds

Session 4



Operation Regulation

Session 5



Fintech and Cybercrime

Session 6


Speakers and panellists include:

  • Pat Lardner, CEO, Irish Funds;
  • Malcolm Richardson, Head of Tax, M&G Group;
  • John Bruton; and
  • Niamh Meenan, Global Head of Asset Management, Grant Thornton Ireland.

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